Vienna Will Host a Museo Aero Solar Landing, This August

July 27, 2015 § Leave a comment

This August 26, 2015 at 21er Haus in Vienna, Museo Aero Solar will land again. In the sculpture garden. Free with a valid exhibition ticket.


From the site,

August 26, 2015 at 21er Haus in Vienna.

Im Zuge der Ausstellung Tomás Saraceo – Visionen mit Luft und Licht hat das 21er Hausgemeinsam mit Besucherinnen und Besuchern gebrauchte Plastiksackerln gesammelt und diese für den Bau einer Leichter-als-Luft-Skulptur wiederverwendet. Aus über 2000 Plastiksackerln entstand ein Objekt mit einer Grundfläche von 192 m². Anlässlich der letzten Ausstellungswoche wagen wir einen erneuten Flugversuch im Skulpturengarten des 21er Haus.Kostenlos mit gültigem Ausstellungsticket

Address: Arsenalstrasse 1, Vienna
Becoming Aerosolar  – Flugversuch

Perhaps this time it will truly take off!


Museo Lands at 21er Haus

June 25, 2015 § Leave a comment

Museo Aero Solar has landed as part of the Being Aerosolar exhibit at the 21er Haus. Museo landed as part of a series of lighter-than-air sculptures, objects and installations showing a significant artistic perspective at the juncture between art and science.

atilkutogluofficial 20150621

This is Tomás Saraceno’s first solo exhibition in Austria and represents a significant artistic perspective at the juncture between art and science.

CHRISTA MAYRHOFER 21erhaus 20150621

Being Aerosolar focuses on considering alternative life models that propose a more sustainable treatment of the environment in the age of the “Anthropocene”. Introduced in recent years, this term is used to describe the current geological era in which our earth finds itself, defining the human being as the most important factor influencing the planet’s biological, geological and atmospheric processes. Becoming Aerosolar endeavors to make visible these influences.

Hannes Schreckensberger 01

In German:

Anhand einer Reihe von Leichter-als-Luft-Skulpturen, Objekten und Exponaten präsentiert Tomás Saracenos Ausstellung “Visionen mit Luft und Licht – Becoming Aerosolar” im 21er Haus Ergebnisse zu Überlegungen zu alternativen Lebensmodellen, die einen nachhaltigeren Umgang mit der Umwelt vorschlagen. Von seiner Auseinandersetzung mit den planetaren Herausforderungen im Anthropozän erzählt Becoming Aerosolar. Die Öffentlichkeit ist eingeladen, sich im Zuge der Ausstellung am Bau von Leichter-als-Luft-Skulpturen zu beteiligen. 21.06.2015 bis 30.08.2015

kutogluatil's 20150621


Introducing A New Museo Aero Solar Website

May 20, 2015 § Leave a comment

Museo Aero Solar has a new website. Hosted at, this new site presents clear instructions on how to stage a Museo landing. Here is some of the information from the new site:

STEP ONE: Email us! Our process is automated, and your first email sets everything in motion! Be sure to put the words ‘Step One’ in your subject, and we’ll send you all the additional things you’ll need to know.


Download our construction guide and watch our videos!
Feel free to improvise and create your community balloon in a way that reflects your community.


Construct the balloon and document your story!
We at Museo Aero Solar strongly encourage a do-it-together attitude, but there’s no reason you couldn’t construct the balloon alone.
Take pictures and notes, alone or as a group, of the journey – we love to hear from those who have created balloons and how the process has made them feel.
Use the hashtag #MuseoAeroSolar or #BecomingAeroSolar on social media to be featured on our social websites!


Add yourself to the map!
After you’ve documented your story and gotten all of your pictures, add yourself to our map!


Enjoy your balloon!
You are now a member of Museo Aero Solar – go out, share your balloon, share your experiences, and we’re so happy to have you!


The wonderful photographs add a lot to the presentation, as well as this text:

Museo aero solar is a flying museum, a solar balloon completely made up of reused plastic bags, with new sections being added each time it travels the world, thus changing techniques, drawings and shapes, and growing in size every time it sets sail in the air. Museo aero solar stands for a different conception of space and energy, both anomalous and forceful at the same time. The core of the museo resides in the inventiveness of local inhabitants, not in its image: among collective action and art, do-it-together technology and experiment, it is a voyage back/forward in time.


We look forward to more news and more landings!



Museo Aero Solar, Anthropocene Monument

December 9, 2014 § Leave a comment

Museo Aero Solar made a landing in Toulouse as part of a symposium on the new human era, or “Anthropocene.” The term, from the Greek root anthropo- (ἄνθρωπος ) meaning “human” and -cene meaning “new,” labels our current epoch marked by human activity being the most critical factor shaping Earth’s ecosystems. The term is proposed to be officially adopted by the Geological Society of London. They will make this decision in 2016.

Bruno Latour, philosopher, anthropologist and now Centennial professor at the LSE, London, led a simulation of this geological society discussion and deliberated on the form that a Monument should take marking this decision. Tomás Saraceno participated and Museo Aero Solar performed a landing. Tomás Saraceno’s participation is part of a longer term collaboration between les Abattoirs, Novela and Saraceno, to extend over several years through research in the scientific and industrial “ecosystem” of Toulouse.

Museo at Toulouse 2014


Above: Museo Aero Solar in the nave of Les Abattoirs

Tomás Saraceno and Bronislaw Szerszynski discussed Saraceno’s proposal to create an Anthropocene Monument out of Museo Aero Solar, the solar sculpture which flies by capturing the short waves of the sun during the day, and infrared waves from the Earth at night. This lighter-than-air monument will ride thermals, vortices and convection currents, making visible the “shape” of the atmosphere. To stay in the air, the monument will depend on people to follow it, capture it and relaunch it when the sun shines, thus embodying an ethos of care, hospitality and an elemental sensitivity crucial to the potential of a “good” Anthropocene. They discussed how this floating “monument” might also point toward a new way of inhabiting Earth, an imagined, alternative future in which civilization is truly solar powered, but also liberated from Earth’s surface to become airborne; a society held, propelled and continually re-cohered by the intensities of the sun-Earth-air relation; a world of flying solar sculptures aggregating like clouds; a world not of flight paths but of nomadic journeys.

Olivier Michelon, a guide and leader of the exhibition, discussed the project with the Toulouse newspaper La Depeche. He notes that to enter the Museo Aero Solar, a guided tour is required. Encountering it develops in the visitor a new conception of space and energy, both abnormal and powerful. The work is not worth as much for its final form for collective action, technology, and the initiatory journey to the past and the future it offers. Its shape, a sphere, is natural to any object created out of the air. Michelon notes that the Museo is composed of hundreds of plastic bags and various packaging papers, developed through various exhibitions around the world. Its components were collected in Sharjah (United Arab Emirates), Isola (Italy), Medellín (Colombia), Lyon (France), Rapperswil (Switzerland), Tirana (Albania), Ein Hawd (Israel), Minneapolis (USA) , Bonames / Kalbach (Germany) Carmignano / Montemurlo (Italy) and Arnsberg (Germany). At each step, visitors cut and taped a plastic bag, selected and donated by them, and perhaps added to it by writing, drawing, or signing it.

In French:

Quatre caractéristiques de cette œuvre, exposée au cœur de la nef du musée des Abattoirs, pièce centrale de l’exposition dédiée à l’histoire de notre planète et à l’impact de l’homme sur celle-ci.

1 Un message entre science et fiction. Lorsque le visiteur se trouve face à l’œuvre de Tomás Saraceno, une impression d’écrasement le submerge. Afin de visiter l’intérieur du ballon, une visite guidée est nécessaire. Le Museo Aero Solar développe une autre conception de l’espace et de l’énergie, à la fois anormale et puissante. L’œuvre ne vaut pas tant pour sa forme finale que pour l’action collective, la technologie, et le voyage initiatique vers le passé et le futur qu’il propose.

2 La réponse à la question «si vous deviez créer quelque chose à partir de notre air, qu’est-ce que ce serait ?» est la création de ce ballon. Il est ce que l’on appelle un ballon solaire. Afin de voler l’air qu’il contient doit être chauffé par les rayons du soleil jusqu’à atteindre la température idéale, le principe est équivalent à celui d’une montgolfière. L’objectif final de cette création originale est de lâcher le ballon dans l’atmosphère. Une fois lancé l’œuvre voguera au gré des vents jusqu’à atterrir n’importe où sur Terre. Lors de son atterrissage, ceux qui la récupéreront pourront à leu tour ajouter leur pièce à l’édifice de plastique avant de le lui permettre de s’envoler à nouveau, et ainsi de suite… créant une chaîne humaine par son intermédiaire.

3 Une œuvre internationale. L’artiste argentin Tomás Saraceno souhaite que son œuvre, faite de centaines de sacs plastiques et papiers d’emballage divers, se développe à travers les différentes expositions autour du monde. Les composants du ballon ont été collectés à Sharjah (Émirats Arabes Unis), Isola (Italie), Medellín (Colombie), Lyon (France), Rapperswil (Suisse), Tirana (Albanie), Ein Hawd (Israël), Minneapolis (USA), Bonames/Kalbach (Allemagne) Carmignano/Montemurlo (Italie) et Arnsberg (Allemagne). À chaque étape, les visiteurs découpent et scotcher un sac plastique, amené par leur soin, et peuvent écrire, dessiner ou signer dessus.

4 «À la fois magnifique et monstrueux». L’artiste a réalisé plus qu’un rêve d’enfant anecdotique et poétique avec cette œuvre. La beauté du ballon filtrant la lumière du soleil à la manière d’un vitrail rappel également le nombre de déchets plastiques produits par l’homme chaque jour ainsi que la situation difficile dans laquelle se trouve notre environnement.



La Depeche Interview:
Les Abattoirs website:
Bruno Latour’s Website:
En Francaise:

First Landing in Egypt @ Darb 1718

April 4, 2014 § Leave a comment


The first Museo landing in Egypt is planned for April 2014.

Darb 1718, the Egyptian Contemporary Art and Culture Center, serves as a trampoline to advance Egypt’s burgeoning contemporary art movement. Darb does this while also engaging with various social and cultural groups in the Fustat community.


From April 7, 2014 2:00 pm – April 12, 2014 7:00 pm, behind the Hanging Church in Old Fustat, local artists, citizens, guests and children will enable the first Museo Aero Solar landing in Egypt. This landing conforms with Darb 1718’s broad and comprehensive artistic vision that embraces works of largely unseen local artists alongside those of established regional and international artists who have rarely or never exhibited in Egypt, and providing local artists with opportunities for international exposure along with developmental programs that include workshops, debates, films and other educational initiatives.

The Museo also brings attention to the general issues of plastic bages, throwaway culture and sustainability. This connects with other Darb projects such as “Out To Sea“, a project in Egypt focusing on the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Nile River, that brings the largely invisible impact of plastic consumption to our conscious every day thinking.

Darb was founded by Egyptian visual artist and cultural activist Moataz Nasr.



Museo Landing

July 10, 2013 § Leave a comment

Hvidovre, a suburb of Copenhagen, Denmark, about 10 km southwest of the capital’s center, is well known for its football team, Hvidovre IF, where famous Danish football players such as Peter Schmeichel and Kenneth Brylle have played. It is also the birthplace of the Liverpool defender Daniel Agger and of Thomas Kahlenberg. Well now it is famous for something new: a Museo Aero Solar landing in July, 2013.

The art project was initiated by the new arts council in the city of Hvidovre, which has Charlotte Bagger Brandt as its chairman.Museo inflating.Museo Inflating

A facebook page announced the landing. In Danish:

MUSEO AERO SOLAR! Ballonen opsættes 21 juni 5 – 8 om morgenen i Hvidovre Havn. Kom forbi og få en unik oplevelse af det fællesskabte kunstværk. Hele ugen før er vi i medborgersalen, kom med poser, en snak eller vær med til at sætte ballonen sammen.


Fans Inflating MuseoMuseo on TV

A video on YouTube:


Hvidovre Kunstråd præsenterer Museo aero solar, en gigantisk ballon skabt udelukkende af genanvendte plastikposer. Projektet er et gør-det-sammen projekt, som i krydsfeltet mellem kunst, videnskab og arkitektur undersøger nye måder at tænke genbrug, fællesskab og kunst på. I tre simple manøvrer klippes, klistres og dekoreres indsamlede plastikposer til en kæmpe ballon, som man kan gå ind i  på årets længste dag – et endnu hemmeligt sted i Hvidovre.

Museo aero solar. Foto: Janis Elko / Museo Aero Solar

Kernen i Museo Aero Solar er det lokale fællesskabs opfindsomhed og samvær, der opstår i arbejdsprocessen mod at fremstille en helt unik og smuk fælles kæmpe ballon.

Vi vil gerne invitere alle der har lyst til at være med: folkeskoler, fritidshjem, ungdomsskoler, produktionsskoler, gymnasier, dagscentre, foreninger og borgere i Hvidovre.

1. Dan en gruppe, der har lyst til at lave en del af ballonen. 2. Plastikposer indsamles.
3. Poserne skæres op i to sider og hanken klippet af.
4. Nu tapes poserne tapes sammen i siderne, foroven og forneden med almindeligt tape til de danner et samlet stykke på 12 x 12 meter.
5. Når stykket er stort nok gemmes det og medbringes til en fælles workshop i uge.  25, hvor den tapes sammen andre stykker fra hele Hvidovre, så de tilsammen danner en ballon (sted annonceres senere).
6. D. 21 juni fyldes ballonen med luft fra store ventilatorer inden solopgang. Når solen står op, opvarmer den luften i ballonen. Ballonen kan komme til at svæve og man kan træde ind i den.

Museo on TV

Museo on TV

Outside Museo

Outside Museo

Inside Museo

Inside Museo

Inside Museo

Inside Museo

Tilmelding og  spørgsmål kan rettes til:
Hvis I har lyst til at deltage så send en mail til Hvidovre Kunstråd ved Charlotte Bagger Brandt

Se processen i denne korte film, som blev produceret sidst Museo Aero Solar var inviteret til Danmark:

Museo Aero Solar begyndte på initiativ af den argentinske kunstner Tomas Saraceno.
Sidenhen har projektet rejst rundt i verden sammen med en gruppe frivillige, der har teknisk erfaring med hvordan man får ballonprojektet til at lykkedes.

Vær med når projektet kommer til Hvidovre.

Museo On TV

Museo On TV

Museo Inflating

Museo Inflating

Museo Inflating

Museo Inflating

Museo TV Report

Museo TV Report

Museo TV Report

Museo TV Report

Standing Outside Museo

Standing Outside Museo

Inside Museo

Inside Museo

Inside Museo

Inside Museo

Preparing Museo

Preparing Museo

Museo inflating

Museo inflating

Museo inflating

Museo inflating

Holding on to Museo

Holding on to Museo

Holding on to Museo

Holding on to Museo

Museo ready to inflate

Museo ready to inflate

Holding Museo

Holding Museo

Museo Inflating

Museo Inflating

Hvidovre is named after its white church — hvid means “white” in Danish. Perhaps now it will be remembered for the white in Museo’s plastic skin.


The announcement, in Danish:

Lorry TV news report (video, in Danish):

Raderum report:

Colectivo Museo Aero Solar in la Habana

July 15, 2012 § Leave a comment

30 days of Museo in the 11th Bienal of la Habana:

After a long and difficult communication with the organisation of the Bienal and the bureaucracy  of  the Cuban system, we managed to arrive in la Habana, Cuba.

Some tapes and few plastic bags with us, just in case…..

Our preparation : some articles about the status of the plastic bag (=jaba) in cuba and get inspired by the work of a cuban artist

Plastic bags are sold in the market for 1 peso and people are used to wash and reuse them, so we didn’t feel confortable to ask people to bring  bags to us, like we usually do with Museo. However, on the floor, in la Habana and on the beach you can find a lot of plastic bags, so we started to  clean up the city and wash the bags cuban style.

Benedikte Bjerre

Then we started the workshop in the Cujae, the University of Arquitecture, where we buid up a new Museo, a small one, made out a mix of cuban and european bags, similar to the group of people that worked on it. We worked with students of different ages.

Benedikte Bjerre

The landing took place at 12 p.m., in the hottest moment of the day.

The baloon flyes!!!

 Benedikte Bjerre

Thanks again to los companeros Armando, Osmani, Claudia, Carlos y Adita.

In Bristol for the 50 Anniversary of Arnolfini

July 15, 2012 § Leave a comment


link video:

Museo aero solar goes to Copenhagen

May 11, 2011 § Leave a comment

Join us at the Staten Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, Denmark for a Museo workshop: learn how to build and fly the balloon!
On Saturday May 21st (13-16) and Sunday May 22nd (10-16).

See you soon at the Roskilde Festival on June 26th!


August 3, 2010 § Leave a comment

PROGRAM (german)

Zeitplan bzw. Flugplan in Arnsberg vom 23.08. bis zum 29.08.2010:

Montag, 23.08.2010

Abgabe der gebastelten Bahnen und der Plastiktüten im Bußmeyer-Gebäude, Steinweg 13, von 10 bis 10 Uhr – 2 Helferschichten a 2 Personen

Dienstag, 24.08.2010
Anreise am Abend – nicht später als 18 Uhr, (Film: Ankommen in Arnsberg, aus Bus klettern)
• Mittwoch, 25.08.2010
Sichtung und Stand der bereits gebastelten Bahnen; kleinen Tetraeder bauen (Fläche 4 x 8 m), Gruppe?, Bastelort: Bußmeyer, Startplatz: Lindenberg/Steinweg 2. Pressegespräch in Stadt- und Schulbücherei: Schwerpunkt- überregionale Zeitungen
Donnerstag, 26.08.2010
Eingangsschleuse konzipieren im Bußmeyer-Gebäude, Museo auspacken und reparieren in Turnhalle Laurentianum, ab 17.00 Uhr Museo im aufblasbaren Zustand begehbar für Publikum!

Freitag, 27.08.2010

Arnsberger Museo Aero Solar II entsteht in Turnhalle (zu bastelnde Fläche: 30 x 15 m – 450 m2) Laurentianum, Luftschleuse einsetzen; Pappe auf Neumarkt auslegen, am Abend aufblasen auf Neumarkt; ab 14 Uhr bis 22 Uhr Mitbasteln

Ermöglichen in Bußmeyer, Mutterballon bleibt in Turnhalle sichtbar für Publikum, 6 Helfer

Samstag, 28.08.2010
Start des Ballons (Film: Morgendämmerung: Hauptevent),

4 Uhr Wecker klingelt, 1 h Gebläse verwenden, ab 6 Uhr Leute einladen; um 7 Uhr für ca. 1 h Museo begehbar, Arnsberg Ballon II auf Neumarkt starten lassen, 6 Helfer

Sonntag, 29.08.2010
Ersatztermin Start des Ballons
Turnhalle ist von 10 bis 16 Uhr Ausstellungsraum: 20.000 Tüten-Galerie

Jeweils für die Turnhalle Galerieaufsicht (KS-Helfer), falls Museo-Team nicht dort